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February 21, 2023

West Grey Public Library celebrates Community of Readers with better access to information, learning and technology

Woman sitting on books, reading with West Grey Public Library logo

BY SOUTHGREY.CA STAFF — The West Grey Public Library will be celebrating its Community of Readers for the rest of February and into March. Everyone who takes out a book will receive a little paper doll to decorate, sign, initial or leave plain. As they return them to the Library, staff will build a paper doll chain to show their special reading community.

According to Tracy Brower, PhD, contributor to Forbes Magazine, "Strong communities have a significant sense of purpose." Community leaders make an impact by providing people the tools needed for success thereby strengthening the overall community.

With that in mind, the West Grey Library believes that strong communities matter and is walking the talk, as a leader in the West Grey community. "Access to information, learning and technology helps everyone and celebrating communities reminds all residents of how great it is to live in this area," says Communication & Programming Co-ordinator Kimm Culkin.

West Grey Public Library cards are free to acquire, free to renew, and free to replace. The Library offers free WiFi and public computer use at all branches. Residents can bring a personal device or use their library card to book time on a branch computer. Mobile WiFi hotspots are available for one-week loan.

The Library has also gone fine-free, so anyone who has outstanding overdue items on loan can bring them back and start fresh. Damaged and lost books will still result in repair or replacement costs.

Those with mobility restrictions, a physical or visual disability, or a long-term illness may be eligible to receive up to four library items per month via Canada Post, plus everything they need to return them the same way (including postage). Eligible items include books, large-print, audiobooks, or Playaways, which are handy pre-recorded books that are simple to operate.

Contact or call 519.369.2107 for more information.


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