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January 06, 2025

West Grey Library hosts the Birth of a Drum

drum making

West Grey Library, working with its elder-in-residence Diane, is offering West Grey residents the rare opportunity of being part of a significant Indigenous ceremony, the bringing into being of a drum.

Drums are often considered sacred amongst Indigenous peoples, representing the heartbeat of people, animals and Mother Earth herself. Diane has brought more than a dozen sessions to West Grey Library patrons, introducing them to the medicine wheel, tobacco ties and the path forward to reconciliation, among other fascinating topics.

Because of the significance of this ceremony, there is no materials fee. Women are asked to wear skirts, and anyone who has a shaker, rattle or drum is asked to bring it along. Biindigin ('Come In') series: The Drum and Birth of a Drum happens from 10:30 am - 1:30 pm at Durham Town Hall on Saturday, January 18. Pre-registration is mandatory, as spaces are limited. For more information or to register, email or call 519.369.2107 or visit Eventbrite.

Diane also visits the Library each month as part of the in-residence program. Drop in with your questions on the 1st Wednesday of every month, from 10:30am til noon. Other Wednesdays, you can visit our gardener-in-residence Jackie, author/publisher-in-residence Alanna, historian-in-residence or environmentalist-in-residence Nikki. No charge; no appointment necessary. All of these valuable resources are also involved in the relevant programs offered to visitors to the West Grey Library.


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