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January 21, 2021

West Grey Police report thefts week to Jan 21

west grey police logo and stolen trailer and snow mobile

During the week of January 14 to January 21, 2021, the West Grey Police Service responded to 64 calls for service.

Stolen vehicles continue to be an ongoing problem in our area as well as neighbouring communities. Prevent yourself from being a victim of vehicle theft by following these basic steps:

  1. Don’t leave your keys in your vehicle. 
  2. Lock your vehicle. 
  3. Don’t leave your vehicle running in winter to “warm it up”. 
  4. Don’t leave your keys accessible inside your house door. 
  5. Don’t leave your keys in your vehicle!!

On January 16, 2021, a 2010 Holland T4040 Tractor / Loader was reported stolen from Concession 12, Normanby Township, West Grey. The tractor is blue in colour and has no cab. If you have any information about the cases please contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS or West Grey Police at 519-371-6911.

On January 19, 2021, West Grey Police investigated a domestic assault. As a result of the investigation, a 50-year-old male was arrested and charged with; Assault Uttering Threats Mischief Careless storage of a firearm The male was held in custody for a Bail Hearing, but was later released by the courts on a Recognizance.

West Grey Police are seeking your assistance in locating the following stolen items — On January 12, 2021 police investigated the theft of a 2014 Arctic Cat ZR6 snowmobile and a 2021 Discovery DMA covered trailer. The investigation is ongoing, but if you or someone you know has any information about this case please contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS or West Grey Police at 519-371-6911.


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