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August 17, 2021

West Grey Library winds up summer challenges, offers mental health for families headed back to school

West Grey Public Library logo

West Grey Library is busy, despite having closed its Durham Branch until early September for much-needed floor replacement — so many books! Ayton and Neustadt are enjoying new hours as of mid-August — see website for details.

On August 19, Master Gardener Vicky Thompson takes local gardeners on a peek into Native Plants for the Home Garden. Register by August 18 for your Zoom invitation, at

On August 26th at 4:30 pm, the Library hosts Back to School Mental Health for the Whole Family, a Zoom session with Jackie Ralph, Youth Awareness & Education at Canadian Mental Health Association Grey Bruce. This session is aimed at parents who want to support their children’s mental health and their own, as students get ready to return to in-person classes.

The Library’s Summer Book Bingo continues until September 3rd, when all cards must be returned. Modest prizes await!

The TD Summer Reading Program winds up on August 20. The weekly LEGO challenges for kids and Teen Book Quizzes continue on Instagram. StoryWalks, a leisurely self-guided walking tour with posted storybook pages to read as you go, continue in both Neustadt (around the Neustadt Lions Community Park) and Ayton (around the Library) until the end of August. The TD Summer Reading Program is winding up, with reading logs due Friday, August 20th.

The Explore West Grey Scavenger Hunt continues to August 31 for all ages, a chance for families to learn more about West Grey. Request a brochure through and have an outing or two! 

Roaming Readers is cancelled for August, but there will be one more Roam on September 30th, the last of the season, starting at 2 from the Durham branch, rain or shine. Walk all or part of the route. Call or email to confirm attendance at, 519-369-2107.

This month’s Creative Habit session is Jumpstart Your Creative Thinking, quick exercises to give you a virtual whack on the side of the head. This virtual series is available online each month on YouTube. If you’re new to online videos, ask for guidance! or 519-369-2107.


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