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August 31, 2021

Tragic Trumpeter Swan death leads to an alliance

trumpeter swan K09

Following the tragic 2020 death of Momma (trumpeter swan tag #038) from an ATV collision on the Grey County Rail Trail and a similar 2019 collision that resulted in the death of three cygnets (baby swans), an alliance was formed between Ontario Trumpeter Swans, Chatsworth Angels, Dufferin Grey ATV, and the Grey County Rail Trail to try and prevent further injuries and deaths.

Those in attendance for the presentation came from all over Ontario (Markdale, Durham, Hamilton, Midland and Ajax), showing their commitment to working together. During the presentation, Dave Ernest spoke of the progress made by Dufferin Grey ATV and the Grey County Rail Trail to better secure the trail and safety of the swans. This includes adding trail wardens, having Grey County OPP accompanying the wardens on their patrols, and building floating platforms for the swans so they don’t need to use the trail. Ernest also said that “Dufferin Grey ATV is always looking for volunteers to patrol the trails.”

Those who attended the cheque presentation: Dave Ernest (VP and Membership coordinator of Dufferin Grey ATV; Director District 9 and Safety committee chair OFATV), Kyna Intini (Lead volunteer of Ontario Trumpeter Swan Restoration (OTSR) and Master Bird Bander, Julie Kee (volunteer with OTSR and bander, Angela Milan, and Phyllis Gardon (Chatsworth Angels), and Dianne Horvath (volunteer with OTSR and Toronto Wildlife Centre).

Dianne Horvath, volunteer with OTSR thanked everyone for coming and supporting each other and said “the Dufferin Grey ATV donation could not have come at a better time. Currently there are 8 swans in care at Ontario Trumpeter Swan Restoration’s facility. One adult and now 7 cygnets, 2 with Angel Wing.” While Kyna Intini volunteer’s her time, the Dufferin Grey ATV donation will help cover the many expenses such as medication, medical testing and supplies, food, and housing. DGATV’s donation will also support ongoing efforts to restore trumpeter swan habitat and individuals in the Province of Ontario – trumpeter swans are a recovering native Canadian species, often pushed out from their natural habitat by development and by the introduction of mute swans.

Dufferin Grey ATV Trail Head.

Dufferin Grey ATV club is asking citizens to report excessive speeds, unapproved vehicles on the trail, night-time use, and or any unusual activity seen on the trail to the Ontario Provincial Police non-emergency line - 1-888-310-1122.

Ontario Trumpeter Swan Restoration would like to thank everyone in the alliance and looks forward to continued improvements that make this multi-user trail safe for wildlife and humans.

If you are wondering what happened to Momma’s partner, #K09 (William). In January of 2021 he travelled south to Port Credit along with his cygnets, two of his daughters received their tags #Z82 and #Z83 from Ontario Trumpeter Swan Restoration. In spring of 2021 William returned to Grey County and is currently without a partner but is happy defending his marsh from any pesky geese or other swans that try to take it over.

Contact information for the organizations in the alliance are listed below:

Donations to Ontario Trumpeter Swan Restoration are graciously received through the following:

  • Amherst Wildlife Foundation, Re: Ontario Trumpeter Swans, 26 Swanhurst Blvd., Mississauga, ON L5N 1B7
  • Amherst Wildlife Foundation,, Send a message Re: Ontario Trumpeter Swans


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