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December 24, 2023

Top 10 stories of 2023: #9

Top 10 stories of 2023: #9

BY SOUTHGREY.CA STAFF — It's not often that road construction makes the list of top 10 stories. In fact, this may be a first! But many local businesses in Flesherton feared for their livelihood when it was announced that main roads through the town would undergo a big dig — a process that would last several months — tearing up streets and sidewalks, making it difficult to get around. It was a familiar situation, experienced in other communities — most recently in Dundalk, where Main Street businesses had been inconvenienced over many months.

Without a prior public consultation meeting, Grey Highlands Council awarded a three-million-dollar contract to reconstruct Highway 10 in Flesherton to Harold Sutherland Construction on June 7th, 2023. No other forewarning of the project came from the annual list of Grey County road repairs released in May.

Businesses lobbied Council to make considerations for them that would lessen the financial blow. Ashley Chapman led a delegation to Council describing an enormous cost for Chapman's Ice Cream trucks to detour around the troubled area.

Artemesia Cheese and Fine Food owner Gary Ikona penned a letter-to-the-editor shedding light on the municipal project that, according to him, would disrupt and possibly ruin several businesses in Flesherton. This was going to happen in the face of a mini revival for the downtown, boasting many new businesses and renovated interiors and facades.

Construction was to begin in September. But due to concerns raised, the start date was delayed until later in the fall. The disruption would include alternating lane closures with traffic control. All construction would be halted on weekends.

The South Grey Chamber of Commerce stepped in to create a shopping event leading up to Christmas and gave away a basket full of goodies, complete with gift certificates to the troubled businesses. The Flesherton Walk & Shop shone a spotlight on the town's hidden gems, encouraging everyone to explore and discover the incredible things offered and support their local businesses.

At the time of publication, the project has been nearly completed with plans to apply a top layer of pavement in the spring. Unimpeded traffic has resumed in all directions and according to sources, the financial impact on local retailers was minimal.

Read more about it:

Letter to the Editor: Flesherton road project will damage small businesses in Flesherton and Markdale and hurt Chapman’s Ice Cream


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