in Chatsworth, Grey Highlands, Southgate, West Grey
December 24, 2022
BY SOUTHGREY.CA STAFF — Which friends should you always take out for dinner? Your taste buds, of course!
All joking aside, our ninth most popular story of 2022, began as a humble little survey we decided to run last January which asked readers about their favourite places to eat. It seems that Grey County seriously reveres it's local food establishments, because we were inundated with responses.
Making it's way to our top 10 stories list, 'What are the best places to eat' gave readers an opportunity to ponder over their choices in 12 different categories. Approximately 100 different restaurants, cafés and food stores were identified by our readers as having exceptionally good eats. We know this is just a drop in the bucket!
Take a look at the results and get ready for another survey in 2023.
What are the best places to eat?: The results of our Best of Grey County local food survey!
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