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February 09, 2022

Residents and businesses open their hearts as the Together in Care fundraising campaign continues

David Sadowski and Emliee Nolan holding raffle tickets

David Sadowski and Burger Guru Head Chef Emilee Nolan hold raffle tickets, available until the end of March.

BY SOUTHGREY.CA STAFF — Strong community support continues for the Centre Grey Health Services Foundation. With construction of the new Markdale hospital making headway, there's never been a greater need to raise money and start the facility off right and provide staff with state-of-the-art equipment and supplies to enhance local health care for the entire region.

Many residents and businesses have given generously to the latest fundraising campaign. Often these same players make a habit of donating annually. This year, their efforts have been augmented by local restauranteur David Sadowski, whose Burger Guru business has permanently taken over the kitchen and dining room at Leela's Inn in Flesherton. A resident of Markdale, David took it upon himself to solicit other local businesses for donations to an enormous raffle with proceeds going to the Foundation.

"Tickets will be sold in several participating businesses as well as the burger guru. We'll also be selling online as well," said Sadowski. There will be five prize winners of equal value with prize winnings being roughly $1000 each. The five prize packages will be made up of various gift card and gift baskets that have been donated. Winners will chose their package in order of whose number is pulled from first to last.

3,000 tickets were printed. Tickets are 1 for $5 or 3 for $12 and are available at the following locations:

Susan's Deli
Brilliant! Bread
Markdale Flowers
Kim's Place Restaurant
The Savvy Co.
Eco Refillary
Highlands Grounds
Jolley's dairy Bar & Video
Barkhouse Pet
Artemesia Cheese & Fine food
Steven's Bar-B-Q Restaurant
Mullin's Pets Market
The Market Shoppe

Get your tickets soon because they won't be available for too long. Not only will you be donating to the Foundation, but you will be supporting local business too. The deadline to purchase is the end of March.

Raffle aside, you can also donate your own individual amount on the Together in Care website. Here are some more recent donors, telling why they gave to the Together in Care campaign:

DenHaan family donates to Centre Grey Health Services Foundation

DenHaan family

Why we gave: "We want to make a difference. Help out when we can and give from our heart. The hospital is so important for our community, a cornerstone for caring and serving people in need at critical times in their lives. Daily, I work with clients considering or juggling a move and the importance of essential services in our small towns always comes up. We are so fortunate to have a new hospital on the way, paired with incredible staff to take care of our area, this is a major building block for a strong, healthy, growing community.

We love the Centre Grey area, where we live and work and are proud to be able to support the community that has supported us throughout the years. It has been amazing watching our girls, Grace and Kadyn experience 'community' in our area. What it means to support each other through kind words, gestures, welcoming others to the area with open arms, groups and organizations working hard, passionately towards common goals.

We are excited to be a part of our community in this way, and that is why we decided to give to the Together In Care campaign."

Ruthanne Risk donates to Centre Grey Health Services

Ruthanne Risk

Why I gave: "I am proud to say that I was born and raised in this community. In fact, I was born in the Centre Grey Hospital right here in Markdale! I have raised three children here and feel very fortunate to have had a hospital so close and convenient for the times we really needed it.

I’ve always believed in volunteering and supporting community events as a way to give back to a community has contributed so much to me and my family. Giving to the New Markdale Hospital is my way of showing the sincere gratitude we feel for all the years this community has given to us. That is why I gave to the Together In Care campaign."

Susan Moffat donates to Centre Grey Health Services Foundation

Susan Moffat

Why I gave: "I wanted to donate to the hospital was to give back to a cause that is very important to me. To have a hospital close by and available to all the Grey Highland residents is beyond valuable and necessary, for how fast the area is growing . I have been very fortunate in my career the last few years and felt I was in a position to give back to the community. The Markdale hospital has been there for my family over the last 15 years and I have been very grateful for that. Great health care is the right of every citizen. That is why I chose to donate to the Together In Care campaign."


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