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May 02, 2023

Saugeen Regional Landowners strongly condemn Grey Highlands Draft Nuisance By-law

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BY SOUTHGREY.CA STAFF — The Saugeen Regional Landowners Association (SRLA) has taken great exception to a Draft Public Nuisance By-law proposed by Municipality of Grey Highlands staff. In a flyer sent out in the mail to Grey Highlands residents, SRLA claims the draft is "riddled with, to some, unsubstantiated and unlawful sections, definitions (and) criteria." The group, led by Robert (Bob) Weirmeir, even goes so far as to call for the removal of staff who authored the proposed By-law.

Director of Corporate and Legislative Services/Municipal Clerk Raylene Martell's report to Council says the By-law was created loosely based on the Municipality of Kincardine's Public Nuisance By-law that has been in place and enforced by James Special Services — the same By-law Enforcement Company that currently provides By-law enforcement for MGH.

Martell's report recommends that the Municipality initiate the Public Nuisance By-law which would include an associated fine of $300 for any infractions, including the defacing of structures and sidewalks with graffiti, loitering, disorderly conduct and public intoxication, among other prohibitions. The report was tabled at the April 5 meeting of Council and according to its contents, public nuisances encompass minor, unwanted behaviours or activities on Municipally owned property, and in some cases private lands.

The proposed By-law can be read online. Residents will be asked for feedback on the proposed By-law at a public meeting on a date yet to be determined. The SRLA implores the public to contact Councillors and voice their opposition, claiming that the By-law turns law-abiding citizens into law-breakers for the purpose of "lining the pockets of admin staff."


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