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June 09, 2022

Southgate Community Farmers' Market opens their season at Memorial Park

maple syrup at the Southgate Community Farmers' Market

BY SOUTHGREY.CA STAFF — The Southgate Community Farmers' Market is back! Much to the delight of organizers and the shopping public alike, vendors are setting up every Wednesday from 3 pm to 7 pm in Dundalk Memorial Park opposite Highpoint Campground.

The market successfully opened on June 8 boasting several local vendors with everything from pickles to produce.

The Pickle Guy products at the Southgate Community Farmers' Market

Patricia Halliday displayed The Pickle Guy tasty pickles, condiments and sauces.

Dave Power at the Southgate Community Farmers' Market

Dave Power showed off his many hand-crafted wood-turned items.

PJ's Meats at the Southgate Community Farmers' Market

Lynn Patton is organizing this year's market, shown here, happily selling PJ's Meats delicious cured dry meats and cheese.

The Wee Homestead at the Southgate Community Farmers' Market

The Wee Homestead was on hand with local sweet and flavourful honey, handmade chakra soaps and shampoo bars.

Burdock Boutique at the Southgate Community Farmers' Market

Burdock Boutique brought fresh-picked greens, onions and irresistible cured meats.

Neema Children's Choir at Southgate Farmers' Market

The Neema Children's Choir performed songs and danced in colourful costumes to raise money for their orphanage in Uganda.


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