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August 28, 2024

SBGHC holds public engagement meeting in Durham regarding the hospital's reduced ER hours

SBGHC meeting photo.

BY SOUTHGREY.CA STAFF — The South Bruce Grey Health Centre (SBGHC) held a meeting, billed as a public engagement session on August 26 at 6 pm at the Durham Community Centre regarding challenges facing the organization. The room was almost filled to the capacity of 400 and many West Grey residents sat impatiently through a lengthy slide show presentation before getting a chance to voice their concerns. Joe Dietrich, Vice Chair, SBGHC Board of Directors began by saying that only 30 minutes was allocated for questions and only one question per person would be allowed.

Dean Dunn, Chair, SBGHC Board of Directors, addressed the crowd stating twice, "We are not closing the Durham Hospital. We want to expand services." The expansion of services was telegraphed in an online survey that the SBGHC presented, in which residents were asked what additional services they would like to see at the Durham Hospital.

Nancy Shaw, CEO of the SBGHC made a presentation outlining statistics showing emergency room usage during specific hours. In her presentation, she noted that most emergency room visits happen from 9-5 pm. In an effort to justify the Board's decision to reduce ER hours, she also revealed that Durham and Chesley Hospitals have the fewest ER visits.

Questions from the audience illustrated the frustration of Durham and area residents. Many stated that they wanted the emergency room hours to be 24/7, and that they wanted inpatient beds restored. They repeated their view that the changes didn't seem to be justified.

A few audience members stated that Shaw did not adequately answer questions posed to her during the meeting and that questions and results presented in the online survey were biased.

Shaw explained at the meeting that people still have a choice of where to go for emergency room care — they could go to Markdale or Hanover Hospitals. Shaw did not explain how these out-of-town hospitals would be able to deal with extra patients unable to visit the much closer Durham Hospital during ER closures. At the same time, Shaw asked, "What services people want in their own community that they have to go elsewhere to get?"

Shaw provided a statement the following day:

“On behalf of South Bruce Grey Health Centre, I want to thank everyone who attended last night’s community engagement session. The last couple of months have been difficult for our community and I was grateful to have the opportunity to address people’s questions and concerns about the future of their health care.

Yesterday was just one part of the engagement that we will continue to have with our community. Our community is passionate about their health care and their feedback is valuable as we navigate and adapt to the changing healthcare environment. We understand that the community is looking for more ways to provide input and we are committed to creating additional opportunities for discussion and engagement as we shape the future of health care in our community. We all need to work together in collaboration to achieve the change that is needed to overcome the challenges we are facing today.”

West Grey Mayor Kevin Eccles, who attended the meeting, said, "I lost trust when the announcement was made to reduce the ER hours. The meeting in Durham was very scripted as to what the SBGHC said. There was no new information and no answers to questions. The public wants to keep the hospital open fully". He also said, "At the AMO meetings in Ottawa, the Ontario Ministry of Health told him that this was a local issue." Eccles expressed frustration at hearing that from provincial government officials.

Shaw said several times that the ER has reduced hours because of staffing issues. Eccles disagrees and said, "It seems like a management issue, not a staffing issue."


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