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May 06, 2024

West Grey residents form a committee and plan a rally to save the Durham Hospital

Save the durham hospital graphic.

On April 24, South Bruce Grey Health Centre announced that the inpatient beds would be moved from the Durham Hospital to Walkerton and Kincardine on June 3, 2024, while the emergency room will continue to operate with reduced hours from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm daily.

With the severe reduction in emergency services at the Durham Hospital, a collection of concerned local citizens met with a member from the Grey Bruce Health Coalition to gain an understanding of the Chesley Hospital emergency department situation and to establish a community action committee.

Discussions and planning were in the beginning stages when the shocking media release came on April 24, 2024 from the South Bruce Grey Health Centre (SBGHC). The announcement was made to transfer the 10 inpatient unit beds at the Durham Hospital to Walkerton and Kincardine, closing the unit, and transitioning to urgent and emergent care available 7 am - 5 pm. The group Save the Durham Hospital quickly became committed to supporting the community and fighting for the hospital to operate at full capacity, keeping all 10 inpatient unit beds and a 24/7 emergency department.

Save the Durham Hospital Committee presently consists of 14 residents. The group is led by Jana White and Natalie Grant.

The Committee shares the same concerns as the residents of Durham, the Municipality of West Grey, and surrounding area. They recognize that this could easily happen to other rural hospitals. They're worried about the accessibility of healthcare close to home. This does not only include the individual receiving care but their family, friends, and support systems.

"We are concerned that having no inpatient beds and reduced emergency care would further increase staff retention issues at the hospital, as well as create issues attracting primary care providers to the medical clinic. The inability to retain healthcare professionals will have a lasting negative affect on the community’s health and wellness. This raises the question, is a hospital, really a hospital with no inpatient beds and only open office hours? Is this a back door strategy to close our hospital? The SBGHC claim they have no plans to close the Durham Hospital but will this change?" questioned White.

The South Bruce Grey Health Centre was formed in 1998 in direct response to the decline of provincial support for rural hospitals. The organization is comprised of four sites: Durham, Chesley, Walkerton, and Kincardine. The amalgamation vision was to enrich healthcare in these four communities with an understanding that all four sites would be considered and supported equitably. According to the group, the recent decision does not demonstrate an equitable investment in all four sites and was made with no transparency or consultation with the community, its health care professionals, and/or local stakeholders.

"We would like to know what information was provided to make the decision? What did the SBGHC do to try and address the supposed staffing shortage at the Durham site? Was there consideration given to the current and future development in our community, the two community expansions and rebuild projects of the Long Term Care facility, Rockwood Terrace and the Police, Fire Department and EMT Stations, along with residential growth? And more importantly, did anyone consider the broader impact that this decision would have on the well-being of our community?" asked White.

"We intend to continue very clear communications to the SBGHC and the Conservative government that we want transparency and accountability regarding this decision and we will not allow you to gut our local healthcare," stated White in conclusion.

Concerned community members are encouraged to connect on Facebook or by email for more information and group updates and visit the Facebook Page Save the Durham Hospital. Enquiries can be sent to

A community action and public engagement rally is scheduled for May 7 at the Durham Community Centre Hall, 451 Saddler Street West, Durham at 7 pm.


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