in Chatsworth, Grey Highlands, Southgate, West Grey
August 13, 2024
Residents from both Grey Highlands and Blue Mountains have come together several times in recent weeks to express serious concerns about the proposed LIT Galaxy Music Festival, set to take place on a rural property in Duncan over the Canada Day weekend in 2025. The festival promoters anticipate hosting up to 25,000 attendees over three days, raising significant concerns for the rural community.
The event would be held on a 150-acre rural property in Grey Highlands, near the town line boundary with the Town of the Blue Mountains. The proposal includes multiple stages and extensive lighting installations in the trees. However, local residents are adamant that the scale and nature of this event are entirely inappropriate for a rural area.
Key Concerns Raised by Local Residents Include:
A similar proposal for the Lit Galaxy Festival was previously rejected by Mulmur and Melancthon Townships last year. Like the residents of those townships, the group believes this sort of large-scale event is completely out of context for a rural environment.
Local residents are planning to mount delegations to voice their concerns at upcoming council meetings in both Grey Highlands and Blue Mountains. They are urging all concerned residents to make their voices heard by contacting the councils of Grey Highlands and Blue Mountains.
Those in agreement with the opposition group, can send their thoughts and concerns to the following email addresses:
Grey Highlands Council:
Town of the Blue Mountains:
They ask that you copy
For more details on the proposed music festival, please read the Lit Galaxy Festival presentation from the July 17 Grey Highlands Council meeting.
Those opposed to the festival, can sign an online petition.
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