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April 04, 2023

Countdown to the South Grey Home and Garden Show: CBC Radio personality Paul Zammit brings his passion for gardening to the stage

Paul Zammit standing in greenhouse.


BY SOUTHGREY.CA STAFF — Paul Zammit has been a regular speaker at garden clubs and horticultural trade shows across Canada and in the United States. In his path of lifelong learning, he has travelled to Germany, Switzerland, Bermuda and South Africa to continue his study of plants, and plant sciences in various climates and growing conditions. Zammit will bring all of this to bear at the South Grey Home and Garden Show this Spring.

A professor at Niagara College and former Director of Horticulture at the Toronto Botanical Garden, Paul knows his way around all aspects of gardening in Ontario. Many people will recognize him from weekly call-in segments on CBC Radio's Gardening with Paul Zammit on Ontario Today, as well as frequent guest appearances on Here and Now Toronto.

Over time, he has developed his public speaking and photography skills, and married them with his technical knowledge to promote a love of gardening that brings people together in their passion for all things herbaceous. He brings these skills to bear on the Home and Garden Show stage at noon on Sunday, April 30.

Don't miss this or any of the other great things happening at the South Grey Home and Garden Show at the Flesherton Arena and Kinplex April 29-30. For a full list of vendors and scheduled events, visit the South Grey Home and Garden Show website.

For a list of accommodations in the area, visit:

Bruce Grey Simcoe Bed & Breakfast


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