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January 02, 2025

Grey Bruce OPP hosting Polar Plunge in support of Special Olympics Ontario

Photo from West Grey polar plunge

Photo: Justin Graham takes the Plunge at previous event held in West Grey.

February 23, 2024, at 9:30 am, individuals and community supporters from all over Grey Bruce County will be taking the Plunge in support of Special Olympics athletes. The event will take place at the Shallow Lake Community Centre at 585 Princess Street in Georgian Bluffs. Individuals will jump into the ice-cold waters of the Fire Departments porta tank to support Special Olympics. This event is hosted in partnership with the Municipality of Georgian Bluffs, Intertownship Fire Department, Grey County Paramedic Services and the Owen Sound Special Olympics.

The Polar Plunge is the largest fundraiser hosted by the Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR). The Ontario Law Enforcement Torch Run is the largest public awareness vehicle and grass-roots fundraiser for Special Olympics. Did you know that the LETR has raised more than $74 million in Canada since its inception?

If you wish to get involved by registering yourself or a team to take the plunge, please contact Grey Bruce OPP Constable Krista Linthorne or register at

Taking the Plunge takes courage, bravery and a sense of adventure! Whether individual, organization or business, the Polar Plunge welcomes all do-gooders with a little courage and a warm heart willing to get cold and creative for a worthy cause. All funds raised will support programming and events for over 26,000 athletes across the province.


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