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July 06, 2023

Oh Canada! What a great weekend!

Canada flag and fireworks

BY SOUTHGREY.CA STAFF — Although it took many more years for Canada to gain complete sovereignty, in 1867, the British North America Act created Canada, formally joining several colonies into a single, unified, semi-independent Dominion of Canada. The Act was signed into law on July 1. 156 years later, we know Canada Day as a great reason to party. This past weekend was no exception as many events around southern Grey County attest.

There was much concern whether or not fireworks in Feversham would be cancelled due to the severe weather warnings on Friday night. However, the show did go on and by all accounts, was a gorgeous display. The Kinsmen pork chop and strawberry supper at the Osprey Recreation Center also went ahead as planned. The Hanley Institute and Osprey Minor Hockey attended.

Holstein Rodeo - 2023

Holstein Rodeo. Photo: Robin J Welch Photography

The Holstein Agro Expo and Rodeo brought back the nostalgic feeling of Rodeo with bull and steer riding and roping, barrel racing and bronco busting.

sheep shearing at Holstein Agro Expo - 2023

Things kicked off Friday with sheep shearing demonstrations and rodeo performances, continuing through to Saturday. Canada Day festivities wrapped up with the annual Egremont Optimist Club Antique Car Show and a spectacular fireworks display at Jubilee Park. Photo: Jasmin Sloan

Volunteers at the JCI Canada Day Connection event lined up for a photo. From left to right: Southgate Deputy Mayor Barbara Dobreen, Chef Marlon Miller, Southgate Councillors Joan John and Monica Soares.

Boot LeRoy and Don Greenwood performing at Canada Day event

BootLeeRoy aka Brenda Stewart and Dorn Greenwood perform at the JCI Canada Day Connection event in Dundalk.

The 3rd annual JunCtian Community Initiatives (JCI) Canada Day Connection was held Saturday afternoon at the Frank MacIntyre Building in Dundalk. Live entertainment featured the Stars of Southgate and Beyond, jerk and BBQ chicken meals, cupcakes and more.

Canada Day scavenger hunt at the Flesherton Farmers' Market

In Flesherton, the Friends of South Grey Museum served their annual waffle breakfast with berries and syrup to hungry crowds at the Kinplex. Many families also found their way to the Flesherton and District Farmers' Market close by, where kids enjoyed a special Canada-themed scavenger hunt to win great summer toys.

Fireworks in Priceville - 2023

Fireworks topped off the evening in Priceville, following musical performances, hot dogs and lots of family fun as people packed the ball diamond beside Stoddard Hall for this annual event.

In Durham, the West Grey Durham Lions Club presented Durham Loves Canada with a Saturday full of demonstrations, food, beer and ice cream but not necessarily in that order. Entertainment began with Spencer Bristow in the afternoon and moved to the Saugeen Rhythm Band in the evening. A fireworks display ended the day.


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