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June 03, 2024

Letter to the Editor: Scrap Bill 185 and the proposed changes to the Provincial Planning Statement

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LETTER TO THE EDITOR — Omnibus Bill 185, the Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act along with changes to the Provincial Planning Statement amends 15 pieces of legislation and implies serious threats to Ontario’s farmland, wetlands, and dwindling wildlife habitats, as well as options for sustainable housing in the current crisis.

There is so much wrong with this legislation, that it is difficult to keep our comments short and simple. Couched within legal language lie the seeds that will grow like weeds into unchecked urban sprawl, effectively erasing settlement boundaries and eating up farmland by:

  • enabling land speculators to demand urban boundary expansions without evidence of need;
  • further removal of ‘planning responsibilities’ from Counties, regional governments to lower-tier municipal governments who are ill-equipped to defend their lands against appeals and lack expertise in land use planning;
  • removing Ontario Land Tribunal oversight of municipal decisions that agree to expand their settlement boundaries;
  • removing limitations such as housing for minimum of 50 people per hectare (the figure used to be 80);
  • removing the requirement that cities must ensure enough housing for half the expected population growth within existing neighbourhoods and built up areas;

In addition, the residents who live around an area for potential development will lose their right to appeal zoning decisions.

The updates to the Provincial Planning Statement (2020) propose a new Ministers Zoning Order (MZO) framework that falls short of the Association of Ontario Municipalities (AMO) recommendations that MZOs be used only in collaboration with municipalities, and only in situations of great urgency.

In summary, yes we need more homes, affordable homes at a time where land speculation has driven the costs so high that a young family cannot afford one.

Proximity to established public transit and shops within municipal boundaries enables walkable neighbourhoods that develop into supportive communities. The needed infrastructure of roads and lines is already there.

According to the Ontario Farmland Trust, between 2016 and 2021, we witnessed the disappearance of 582,392 acres of farmland across the province.

Data from the 2021 Census of Agriculture showed Ontario was losing 319 acres of farmland daily, i.e. equal to the loss of one average family farm every day. We haven’t seen an updated figure.

Biodiversity is rapidly declining. How long has it been since we had to clean the bugs off a car windshield? I could count the number of monarch butterflies I saw last year on one hand when only ten years ago they were swarming in the treetops.

Our environment is stressed. Natural habitats must be preserved to maintain habitat and corridors for wildlife and pollinators. These areas if developed will be gone forever along with the life they support. They are invaluable to us as ‘nature based solutions’: a natural carbon sink, air cleanser, provide cooling and shade, help to stabilize soil, prevent flooding, and when protected maintain a home for life on earth.

We urge the Ford Government not to enact Bill 185 and the proposed changes to the Provincial Planning Statement.


Danuta Valleau and Michael McLuhan
Georgian Bluffs


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