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February 23, 2022

Hope Haven, Markdale receives $25,000 grant from Hydro One's Energizing Life Community Fund

Hope haven disabled client leading horse

Hope Haven Therapeutic Riding and Wellness Centre is a recipient, providing equestrian programming for elementary and high school students with disabilities and/or unique needs. They will use the support from Hydro One to remove financial barriers for parents and schools so that students can access Saddle Up for Success.

"We are proud to receive funding from Hydro One's Energizing Life Community Fund to support our Saddle Up For Success program for students in Grey Bruce community schools. Research demonstrates that having horses present helps to build confidence, self-esteem and provides a positive platform for learning new skills." Benoit Dube, Executive Director Hope Haven Therapeutic Riding Centre, Markdale.

On February 22, 2022, Hydro One announced 24 Indigenous communities, charitable organizations and municipalities will each receive a grant of $25,000 from the Energizing Life Community Fund. For the second year, the fund will support initiatives that promote physical, psychological and emotional safety across Ontario. Energizing Life Community Fund grant recipients provide critical local services such as service dog training for youth with autism, interactive technology to foster social engagement for seniors and environmental educational programming for Black and racialized families.

“In every corner of the province, Indigenous communities, charities and municipalities are addressing critical local needs and promoting well-being and safety. Hydro One feels a deep responsibility to be present and support local organizations who are working tirelessly to energize life in their communities, from developing mental health programs for adults to promoting physical activity among children,” said Jason Fitzsimmons, Chief Corporate Affairs and Customer Care Officer, Hydro One. “We want to congratulate and thank the recipients of the 2022 Energizing Life Community Fund for all they do in their local communities.”

The following organizations and communities were selected to receive $25,000 from the Energizing Life Community Fund for their ability to make a difference and energize local communities:

Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation
Animbiigoo Zaagi igan Anishinaabek
Autism Dog Services
Chippewas of the Thames First Nation
Community Care Durham
Community Resource Centre (Killaloe)
Connaught Community Association
County of Simcoe
Distress Centre of Greater Toronto
Empower Simcoe
The Halton Region Conservation Foundation
Helping Hand Food Bank Inc.
Hope Haven Therapeutic Riding and Wellness Centre
Investing in Children
The Lighthouse Program for Grieving Children
Matachewan First Nation
Moose Cree First Nation
Myles Ahead, Advancing Child & Youth Mental Health
Ottawa Community Housing Foundation for Healthy Communities
Our Kids Count of Thunder Bay
Pays Plat First Nation
Trans Wellness Ontario
Welcome Friend Association
Yellow Brick House

Last year, recipients of the fund promoted physical, psychological and emotional well-being through a wide variety of initiatives, including the creation of a new fitness trail in Tweed, the development of safety-learning simulations for children in Windsor & Essex, and the construction of accessible public change rooms to promote inclusivity in Dryden.

In 2021, Hydro One made a commitment to direct at least 20 per cent of its corporate donations and sponsorships to Indigenous communities and initiatives that benefit Indigenous communities. In alignment with this commitment, close to 25 percent of the Energizing Life Community Fund grants will benefit Indigenous communities and organizations.

Hydro One’s community investment program focuses on building safe communities in Ontario. The company supports programs, events and initiatives that focus on safety training and safe play. Some of its partners include the ACT foundation,, Coaches Association of Ontario and Scouts Canada. To learn more about the Energizing Life Community Fund, visit


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