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June 09, 2022

Holstein hero on a mission to keep the town clean and looking good

Wayne Billings and Justin Bolton

Wayne Billings and Justin Bolton pose in front of the Holstein General Store.

BY SOUTHGREY.CA STAFF — In a seemingly endless cycle of negativity, it's a refreshing change when something positive comes our way. Recently, a reader contacted us to let us know about a conscientious Holstein hero, who together with his K9 companion, walks through Jubilee Park and the streets of his community, picking up garbage as he goes.

Justin Bolton has been keeping Holstein clean ever since he and his Border Collie Delilah, took up residence in town approximately five years ago. "I walk my dog here and I want it to look nice," said Justin, when asked why he does it. "The park is a mess all the time."

Nobody pays the Good Samaritan for his service. He does it because he cares about his community and Holstein is the all-the-better for his efforts. "There's always garbage to pick up," he explained.

As well as cleaning up the town, Justin works for Wayne Billings at the Holstein General Store and Spanky's BBQ, the popular local food truck and catering service. In addition, you can find him working away at his own grass-cutting business on the side.

Justin cites Wayne as his mentor, helping him overcome difficulties and providing him with gainful employment in town. "Wayne helped me come out of my shell," he explained.

You may see Justin and Delilah as they take their ritual walks. If you do, take time to thank him for his efforts and take inspiration from his positive attitude.


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