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June 30, 2023

Statement by MP Alex Ruff on the harrassment of individuals flying the Pride flag

Pride flag blowing in the wind

Alex Ruff, Member of Parliament for Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound issued the following statement regarding confirmed reports of threats, harassment, and intolerance toward individuals flying the pride flag in the region:

“With Pride Month coming to a close, I was encouraged to see the positive reception from our local community as the 2SLGBTQ+ community participated in community events across the region. I thank Grey Bruce Pride for the work they do in helping make our communities more inclusive.

“I was saddened, disappointed, and frankly disgusted to hear that some individuals proudly flying the pride flag have been targeted by malicious, hateful anonymous messages through postal mail over the past week. Hate and intolerance have no place in our communities and in Canada, and I condemn these cowardly acts of this individual(s). As I have stated publicly many times, people should live by the golden rule of ‘treat others like you want to be treated yourself.’

“I ask that individuals receiving strange letters addressed to ‘Prideman’ do not open the envelopes and please report the letters to the Owen Sound Police to aid in its investigation or contact Grey Bruce Pride at”


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