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March 10, 2025

Grey County named to Smart21 Intelligent Communities of 2025

Intelligent communities streetscape and overhead city pictures

For the third consecutive year and fourth time since 2017, Grey County has been named one of the world’s Smart21 communities of the year by the Intelligent Communities Forum (ICF). The announcement came on March 6 at the Communities in Transition conference in Hamilton, Ontario.

“We’re thrilled to once again be featured on a global stage for the work our communities are doing to leverage technology to make Grey County a great place to call home,” said Grey County Warden Andrea Matrosovs. “It’s exciting to be part of this process and to continue having the opportunity to learn from other communities around the globe.”

The ICF’s annual Intelligent Community of the Year competition recognizes communities that embrace technology to realize economic, social, and cultural growth. Intelligent Community nominees are evaluated on six indicators: broadband, knowledge workforce, innovation, digital equality, sustainability, and advocacy.

Grey County’s submission to the ICF featured a combination of County-led projects and partner initiatives, including the Sydenham Campus and strategic partnerships with Georgian College. Sydenham Campus is an entrepreneurial and innovation hub supporting workforce and business development, which reached its final milestone with the unveiling of the makerspace and Henry Bernick Entrepreneurship Centre in 2024.

Other organizations and programs supporting Grey County as an intelligent community include the Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT), Grey Bruce Local Immigration Partnership, the YMCA, Nuclear Innovation Institute, Supportive Outreach Services, Short-term Shelter Program, Going Green in Grey and more.

“The Intelligent Communities framework has inspired Grey County’s approach to economic development and community building. We appreciate its whole community approach to ensure we work together and leave no one behind,” explains Grey County’s director of economic development, Savanna Myers. “Being named to the Top21 is a shared achievement for Grey County, its member municipalities and all the people, businesses, institutions and volunteers who are committed to making our region a more prosperous place to call home.”

The Smart21 Communities of 2025 include communities from around the globe including Australia, Brazil, Iceland, the Netherlands, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, and the United States. Durham Region, Kingston, and Langley, British Columbia join Grey County as Canadian communities.

More information about the Intelligent Communities Awards Program can be found at

The Intelligent Community Forum is a global network of cities and regions with a think tank at its centre. Its mission is to help communities use information and communications technology to create inclusive prosperity, tackle social and governance challenges and enrich their quality of life. Learn more at


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