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August 09, 2023

Granite Hill Band brings evening of bluegrass to Annesley in Markdale August 19

Granite Hill Bluegrass, Saturday, August 19, 2023

BY SOUTHGREY.CA STAFF — On Saturday, August 19, Annesley Events presents another concert in their Music in Middle Grey series. Granite Hill — a five-man bluegrass ensemble — will take the stage in the sanctuary of Annesley United Church in Markdale for an evening of country music influenced by jazz and blues. Based out of southwestern Ontario, Granite Hill is a fairly new band but includes members with many years of experience in bluegrass as well as other musical genres. They entertain with a mixture of contemporary and traditional bluegrass material, including harmony vocals, dynamic instrumentals, and even a few numbers imported from country or folk.

Doug McNaughton is a master fiddle teacher and contest judge with extensive experience playing fiddle for country acts such as Marie Bottrell and Terry Sumsion.

Norm Tellier is a veteran player in groups Clean Sweep, Northern City Limits, General Store and the Commercial Bluegrass Band. He is a two-time recipient of the Central Canadian Bluegrass Music Awards (CCBA) 'Mandolin Player of the Year' award, and sings most of the tenor harmony.

Steve Greer has over 40 years of experience performing and recording with various artists. Steve’s five-string banjo style compliments the Granite Hill ensemble, and he adds baritone harmony vocals on many numbers as well.

Al Draper is one of the strongest lead singers in Canadian bluegrass today. He brings many years of experience on guitar and has a passion for music and bluegrass harmony. Al also handles the band’s sound requirements.

Bill Carson has played bass in bluegrass bands Blackwell Sideroad and Northern City Limits in years past. His clear lead and harmony vocals add depth to the Granite Hill repertoire.

Doors open at 6:30 pm with the show starting at 7 pm. Tickets are $20 in advance or $25 at the door. Kids 12 and under are free. Registration is available online at the Annesley Events website or in person at Susan's Delicatessen in Markdale or Artemesia Cheese and Fine Foods in Flesherton.


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