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February 28, 2022

Foot chase leads to arrest in downtown Hanover

Hanover Police logo

On Thursday, February 24, 2022, at about 2:30 pm, Hanover Police officers responded to the 300 block of 10th Avenue following the report of a 'smash & grab' theft from a parked motor vehicle. Soon thereafter, a citizen out for a walk reported seeing a suspicious male walking along 8th Street in the area of 10th Avenue who appeared to be rummaging through a wallet and tossing items away.

A little more than an hour later at about 4:10 pm, a suspect was observed walking along 10th Avenue near 10th Street. Moments later when officers approached him, the suspect took off running eastbound on the sidewalk then ran down the middle of 10th Street with traffic still moving in both directions. HPS officers in plain clothes and uniform managed to outrun the suspect and arrested him in front of the Bank of Montreal. At about the same time, a citizen who witnessed the foot pursuit approached officers to say he observed the suspect toss the contents of his pockets onto the street as he was running between cars.

Police subsequently located and seized two small plastic bags containing suspected Fentanyl from the roadway. “The lethality of Fentanyl is well known and thanks to the help of a keen-eyed citizen, a tragedy may have been avoided here since even mishandling Fentanyl can lead to serious harm or death” said Deputy Chief George Hebblethwaite.

A 48-year-old man has been remanded into custody to the Central North Correctional Centre in Penetanguishene and is schedule to appear by video in Walkerton bail court on February 28th. In addition to a dozen criminal charges he still faces from 2021, the Hanover resident has been charged with six (6) more offences: ‘Theft under’, ‘Mischief’, ‘Obstruct Police’ x 2 counts, ‘Possession of stolen identity documents’, and ‘Possession of a Controlled Substance – Fentanyl’.


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