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May 19, 2022

Overnight active fire destroys downtown Hanover buildings

Fire at Hanover business building at night.

Photo from Hanover Fire Chief's Twitter feed.

At 2:20 am on Thursday, May 19th, 2022, Hanover Police Officers on patrol located a structure fire at the former Forum Hotel Rooming House located at 315 10th Street in Hanover.

Hanover officers summoned the Hanover Fire Department to respond and entered the building to alert residents and assist with the evacuation. When officers entered the building, it was filled with heavy smoke, making the rescue and evacuation efforts difficult.

At this point in the investigation, it is believed everyone escaped from the building, however, due to the transient nature of many of the residents officers are continuing to confirm that the fire resulted in no loss of human life. Some pets belonging to the residents may have perished in the fire.

Police and Fire crews also evacuated residents from surrounding buildings.

Fire Departments from Hanover, Walkerton, West Grey, Elmwood and Inter-Township continue to battle the blaze at this time in an effort to contain it from spreading to neighbouring buildings.

Police are asking everyone to avoid the Downtown Core and have closed 10th Street to traffic and pedestrians between 9th Ave., and 11th Ave., to allow fire crews to do their work. It is anticipated this area will remain closed for the day.

Two Hanover Police Officers received treatment for smoke inhalation at the scene by Grey County Paramedics.

Displaced residents are encouraged to attend at the Grace United Church located on 12th Street in Hanover where social service agencies have staged to provide assistance related to their primary needs and necessities of life.

The Hanover Police Service continues to investigate the causes of the fire that remain unknown at this time in partnership with the Hanover Fire Department and the Office of the Fire Marshal.

A crisis response team with representatives from Grey County and community agencies is on the scene providing support to the victims. Displaced residents are asked to go to Grace United Church at 310 12th street in Hanover for assistance. The team is providing food, clothing and emotional and other supports. Nurse practitioners and community paramedics are also providing care to those in need.

Grey County is working with YMCA Housing Services to assess needs.

The United Way Bruce Grey has established a disaster relief fund to support victims of the fire. Donations can be made through by choosing the General Fund and leaving a note to indicate Hanover Fire.

The Town of Hanover advises that Civic Centre and library will be closed for the day on May 19. For urgent municipal matters, call 519-881-8061.

This situation continues to develop. More information will be shared as it becomes available.


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