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January 19, 2021

electHER launches to increase female representation in elected municipal office

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A new community volunteer group, electHER, is officially launching today to increase the number of women elected to municipal office in Grey-Bruce. electHER is run by a planning team made up of 19 women across the region, including 12 current or former elected officials and six community volunteers. The organization’s goal is to have at least one female elected to each of the 17 municipalities in Grey-Bruce for the October 24, 2022 elections. Additionally, electHER’s many community volunteers will help create training, networking and mentorship programs leading up to the municipal elections to further support female candidates and elected officials. In 1920, women won the right to run for municipal office in Ontario. Now, more than 100 years later, gender parity remains an elusive dream in both urban and rural municipalities across the province. Only 22 percent of elected municipal officials in Grey-Bruce are women, whereas women make up 50.8 percent of the region’s population.

Laura Wood, Community Volunteer and electHER Co-Founder, is passionate about gender balance in politics. “Having worked on federal, provincial and municipal elections, I’d have to say I see a more immediate impact on having women at the political table at the municipal level. Here, partisan issues are typically set aside and the decisions that are made, make a real difference to the lives of everyday people. Women represent more than 50 percent of the population, so it’s imperative that they have equal representation at the political table.”

“Women bring a different perspective based on their life experience. The lens they use to reflect on their understanding of their community is an important asset and brings value to the decision making that occurs in politics,” says Carol Merton, Owen Sound City Councillor and electHER co-founder.

More information about electHER can be found online at or on social media (details below). “With more than 150 new followers within 24 hours of launching, we have confidence that many in the community are behind this important effort,” continues Wood.

The first electHER Learning Session will take place on Tuesday, March 16 at 7 pm with the theme of “How To Decide To Run For Office.” Participation will be limited to encourage interaction, so interested parties should register soon online or send an email to All electHER events are offered on a pay-what-you-can basis.

On Wednesday, January 20, 2021, Kamala Harris will be sworn in as the first woman Vice-President in the United States. This historic glass-ceiling-shattering event will inspire more women to run for office around the world. electHER will offer commentary online throughout the day, as well as an informal Inaugural Bingo game for viewers to play online (just for fun).

About electHER

electHER is a non-partisan volunteer organization determined to achieve sustainable gender balance of elected municipal officials in Grey Bruce. Led by women and supporters with current and past political experience, this group is willing to work hard to achieve this shared vision.


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