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March 20, 2025

Community partners unite to combat human trafficking across the region

Grey Bruce CSWBP logo

Human Trafficking is a serious crime that often goes unnoticed, but communities in Grey and Bruce Counties are taking action. The CSWBP Crime Prevention Action Table in partnership with the Joy Smith Foundation and Violence Prevention Grey Bruce are raising awareness about the dangers of human trafficking and providing resources to help prevent this crime.

Short-term rentals (STR) owners and operators can play a crucial role in preventing human trafficking by recognizing signs, implementing preventative measures, and reporting suspicious activity. There is a growing trend of traffickers using STRs due to the greater possibility of anonymity. This initiative educates STR owners and operators on how to identify potential trafficking situations and respond appropriately to protect their communities and properties.

Prevent human trafficking in short term rentals

Key Warning Signs of Human Trafficking in Short-Term Rentals

  • Frequent use of short-term rentals
  • Last-minute bookings and multiple bookings that are in the same area
  • People arriving and departing from your property with minimal luggage not appropriate for the length of stay
  • Individuals that appear to be under the control of another person

How to Deter Human Traffickers from Choosing your Rental

  • Screen bookings carefully including guest reviews from other STR
  • Don’t accept last-minute bookings
  • Install cameras on the outside of your property to record those coming and going
  • Do not allow guests to have unregistered guests on your property
  • State clearly in your listing that you are committed to preventing human trafficking and other illegal activities

Human Trafficking affects communities across Canada, and awareness is the first step in preventing it. By educating STR owners/operators and the public, Grey and Bruce Counties are working together to create a safer and more informed community.

Grey County thanks many community partners for their collaboration and dedication in supporting the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan and this initiative. Together, we are working to build a safer, healthier, and more inclusive community.

To access the Short-Term Rental Anti-Human Trafficking resource for your area please visit: Resources - Community Safety and Well-Being Planning.


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