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March 23, 2024

Agnes Macphail to be celebrated on March 24 in Flesherton

Happy Birthday Agnes Macphail March 24, 2024

BY BARRY PENHALE — The Friends of the South Grey Museum are delighted to announce the continuance of their popular annual public event honouring the remarkable political trailblazer, Agnes Campbell Macphail (1890-1954). An entirely new program has been organized and is scheduled to take place at The Handley Institute, Flesherton, Sunday, March 24. Coincidently, March 24 in the year of 1890 saw the birth of Macphail, her first home being a log building in Proton Township. The oldest of three girls, she grew up in a close-knit family, firmly raised by Scottish-Canadian parents, Dougald and Henrietta Macphail. When 'Aggie' was 12 years of age, her parents purchased a farmhouse and acreage near Ceylon, a community that was to become very important to Agnes. For it was there some years later that she relaxed from the rigours of political battles in Ottawa, returning whenever she could to a home of her own in the constituency, she represented as the elected local Federal Member of Parliament. In time, Agnes through years of hard work in the political arena accomplished much on behalf of farmers and women. But many observers held to the belief that her greatest work as a dedicated reformer, were the hard-won victories she was to know in the long-neglected area of penal reform.

Among the prominent features of the forthcoming March 24 program, visitors will be entertained by an adapted stage performance featuring student-age members of The Hanley Institute Theatre Group, with Kaitlyn Stafford as Agnes Macphail. Organizers will also recognize and honour two well-known outstanding women in our midst, Joan McGee and Margaret Russell. Complimentary coffee and tea plus a Macphail birthday cake will be available. Admission is by freewill donation made at the Friends of the South Grey Museum welcome table. Doors open by 2:30 pm and the program is to begin at 3:00 pm. Thanks are extended to community partners and to our donors: The Hanley Institute, Highland Grounds, Geoff Bowes, Leaking Ambience Studio, and the Municipality of Grey Highlands. Door prizes are courtesy of Artemesia Cheese & Fine Foods, Home Hardware, The Bakery of Flesherton, and Markdale Florists, Markdale. All are invited to attend this special community event.


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