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November 13, 2023

Grey County launches Municipal Accessible Spaces Map

Grey County Municipal AccessibleSpaces Map

Accessible features in Grey County are easier to find with the help of a new interactive map. The Municipal Accessible Spaces Map is a tool that provides details on accessible features in municipally-owned public facilities throughout Grey County.

This new digital map supports accessibility for residents and visitors by offering easy access to information on accessible washrooms, adult changing tables, automatic doors, and more. This map includes public municipally operated facilities such as libraries, community centres, arenas, and parks. It does not include private businesses at this time.

“Knowing where accessible features are in a community is incredibly important to the individuals and families who need to plan outings with these features in mind,” says Kathie Nunno, contract and accessibility coordinator at Grey County. “We hope this map will be a helpful tool for those looking to enjoy our communities.”

This project was identified in Grey County's multi-year accessibility plan. The completed map was unveiled to the Joint Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee last month and was endorsed by Grey County Council on October 26.

“This Accessible Spaces Map is a collaborative effort,” says Nunno. “All local municipalities in the County were invited to contribute and we will continue collaborating by sharing this resource throughout our communities."

The map was developed by the Grey County Joint Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee with advice and input from Municipality of Meaford accessibility staff and in collaboration with the County’s information technology and planning departments.

The Accessibility Advisory Committee works to identify, prevent, and remove barriers from municipal services, by-laws, policies, programs, and facilities, helping to make Grey County more inclusive and accessible for all. Grey County remains committed to fostering an inclusive and accessible environment for everyone.

For more information and to access the Municipal Accessible Spaces Map, please visit


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