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December 26, 2024

2024 Top 10 Stories: Fire in Eugenia

South Grey Top 10: Number 6

BY SOUTHGREY.CA STAFF — Every year there are 24,000 house fires in Canada. When they are the subject of a story on South Grey News, they usually garner a lot of attention. In the early morning hours of January 28, such a tragedy struck a home in Eugenia. Luckily, all occupants were evacuated from the residence prior to police arrival on the scene. Unfortunately, the entire building was destroyed. It became the 6th most-read story of the year.

House fire in Eugenia

According to the Canadian Red Cross, the most common causes of house fires are cooking (leaving the stove unattended), improperly extinguishing cigarettes and candles left unattended. Many house fires are preventable.

They list the following ways to protect yourself and your family from a home fire:

  • Install smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors on every level of your home. Test the alarms every month and replace the batteries twice a year
  • Know and practice your evacuation plan.
  • Clean chimneys annually.
  • Keep flammable items at least one metre from heat sources, such as space heaters, fireplaces and the stove.
  • Never smoke in bed.
  • Never leave candles unattended.
  • Stay in the kitchen when using the stove top. If you have to leave the room, turn off the stove.
  • Make sure everyone knows where the fire extinguishers or fire blankets are kept.
  • Get out and STAY OUT - never return to a burning building.

Some additional advice regarding this holiday season:

  • Keep your tree in a stand that will hold two to three litres of water and top it up daily.
  • Keep your tree away from all heat sources, including radiators, furnace ducts, television sets and fireplaces.
  • Check the decorative lights before placing them on the tree, and throw any frayed or damaged lights/cords.
  • Never place candles on or near the Christmas tree.

Read the original story:

Fire destroys Eugenia home in early morning hours of January 28


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