in Chatsworth, Grey Highlands, Southgate, West Grey
December 22, 2024
BY SOUTHGREY.CA STAFF — On July 17, organizers of the Lit Galaxy Festival attended a Grey Highlands Council meeting and presented their proposal to bring the Canada Day event to a 150 acre property near Duncan in 2025. The iradios Productions group promised a safe and respectful weekend of music, art, nature and positivity, with minimal impact on the environment. The two-day celebration was expected to attract up to 25,000 attendees.
The complete presentation is available on the Grey Highlands municipal website.
Shortly after the presentation to Council, residents from both Grey Highlands and Blue Mountains mobilized to express serious concerns about the proposal. The backlash made our list of Top 10 Stories at number 10.
Key concerns included:
On September 4, residents made their concerns known to Council.
Quietly, organizers withdrew their request to hold the event in Grey Highlands.
Read the original story:
Residents unite to oppose massive music festival proposed in Grey Highlands
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